so i'm going to be taking my samples of mylifeinviolet and all the stock of fiveorsixgirls and sell at the monthly street fair on second ave. north. we do hang out down there a bit, it's where like-minded people are, and now i need to really get involved. i just hate feeling like a loner. trying to do my thing in an environment that is still foreign. but in a few certain parts of the city lie people and places that make me really smile. to be among the artist/crafters/makers would be fantastic, as long as i have to be here for awhile longer. I have to make bigger use of my skills. i have to do bigger things.
i also am starting a new shop-for etsy as well. it will be stuff from my heart and from what i like and love. lots of vintage and upcycled fabrics and items and trims etc. and cast-off fabric from the garment district in Los Angeles. and all in plus size. i'm working on it now, but with the move and a million other things i won't be able to get a full swing on until after we are settled in our new place. i promise pictures!
i also, at first reluctantly, have gotten into instagram. yes, it's fun! it has in no way detracted from my analog ways....i haven't had time to go out on shoots but i will..and when i don't have a camera or two i have the phone. i still like my analog pics best, truth be told.
okay and now the big news....during all of this madness, i scored an interview with stylist extraordinaire and coolest girl ever-Shirley Kurata!!
she was super nice about it. i've sent her my questions and will be posting the interview when she sends them back and i edit. of course there will be lovely photos as well as where she can be found.
here are some photos i have taken lately along with a sneak peak of another item in my new shop....(and yes that's vintage 70's photo print fabric! almost impossible to find now.)

top to bottom: photoprint dress, someone's covering her face, jacob and liz,nani iro, bff's, aldridge gardens x3, balloons, first pic i ever saw of jer, first pic jer ever saw of me(oh-my hair was so much thicker..) xx
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